The highest percentage of readers - 52.3% - said they spend between one and two hours per week, while another 15.9% said between three and four hours and 10.2% spend five or more hours each week reading forage-related publications. 21.6% of those responding said they spend less than an hour, but nobody said they don't read anything. That's good to hear!

Our next poll, similar in scope, asks about the time you spend reading forage-related material online? Is it more or less than what you read in print? Cast your vote and let us know!  FG

How much time do you spend reading forage-related magazines/newspapers each week?

  • 5+ hours: 10.2%

  • 3-4 hours: 15.9%

  • 1-2 hours: 52.3%

  • Less than an hour: 21.6%

  • I don't read them: 0%